Monday, April 04, 2011

my Egypt visit March 2011

In the end week of March 2011, I visited Egypt to participate in a workshop on caricature. This was organised by Heidelberg University at Fayoum. Located by the lake side, Fayoum is a beautiful village with a very rich caricature museum. During the trip, we also visited desert and roamed a lot in Cairo and Giza. The revolution of 25th January was quite recent and the environment was a buzz with the spirit, enthusiasm as well as anxiety for the future. In this milieu, it was wonderful to walk on the streets of Cairo and witness exuberance, exhilaration of the contemporary along with the dense layers of the past.For a visual account of the trip please click


  1. गुजारिश- काहिरा की गलियों में घुमते हुए आपने काफी कुछ अनुभव किया होगा। शहर और बसाहट से लगाव की वजह से आप उसे अच्छी तरह से जान पाए होंगे। एक पाठक के तौर पर, एक छात्र के तौर पर मैं इसे शब्दों में पढ़ना चाहूंगा। पूरा वृतांत। यही गुजारिश है।

  2. Great, i wished to know a little more about the workshop on caricature. was it performative? or discursive?

    dev pathak

  3. Thanks Dev. This was a two days workshop to discuss caricature as transcultural media of political and social propaganda in the age of imperialism and colonialism. This was organised by Heidelberg University.
